Selling a product on eBay can be an exciting and wonderful experience. If you have a big business or trying to sell the stuff around your house you can reach your buyers through eBay. It is estimated that there is 181 million buyers who access the site. As soon as your items are listed you can start making your sales.
Through the internet you can locate eBay with the help of your favorite search engine. To know about the selling policies refer to the pages on the website which include seller’s information. It will be of help to you if you know how eBay functions. You can experiment with the search features and browse few listings.
Points to note
Try using the ‘sort’ function in the menu. Take note of the listings which appear on top. These listings receive the greatest number of bids. It is important that you come up with a good account name which will appeal to the buyers. Make sure that you avoid things which will devalue what you intend to sell. The name you choose for your account will be displayed in lower case. It should at least contain two characters and must not contain symbols and spaces. You will not be able to use names of websites as a user ID. Moreover you cannot use the word eBay in any form.
Dos and dont’s
When you sell your products in eBay make sure that you do not use a name or brand which is trademarked. Select a name which will catch the attention of the buyers. Although you are allowed to change your user ID every 30 days make sure that you do not make changes too frequently. You may lose customers who visit you often. After you have decided to sell an item it is essential that you create your listing. Identify which category is most relevant for your item.
Creating a listing
Before you create a listing it is important that you conduct some research. It is essential that you compare your listing with active listings which are already there on eBay. This will be of great help when you decide the price and decide on a listing format. To sell your product you will have to click on the Sell button which is placed on the top of the page. It is advised that you know the rules of the sellers and the eBay policies well before you create your account. Get to know about the restricted items.
Being proactive
After you list is up and running you can find out whether any buyer has placed his bid. For selling on e Bay it is important that you manage your listing. Make sure that you promptly reply to the questions which buyers ask you. By communicating with potential buyers you can earn their trust and confidence. It is essential that you build a strong rapport. You can make use of feedback to strengthen your selling skills. Choose a payment plan which suits you the best. You can offer several options to your potential buyers.
Selling a product easily
After you list your product it is important that you specify the shipping charges. Make sure that you mention the shipping charges separately in addition to the price of the product which the buyers will have to pay. Selecting the gallery is an important step. The gallery will display a thumbnail of your product when the buyer is browsing the products. Browsers will see your product in the search results after you have followed the above mentioned steps. On My eBay you will be able to know your status. You will get to know how many questions you have from buyers and about the number of bids.