5 Things You Can Learn from Popular Trends

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Trends are changing every day. But, is there anything you can learn from it? Looking at popular trends nowadays, can you learn something and apply it to your blog? Is there any relation between popular trends and successful blogging?

Here are 5 things you can learn from popular trends:

The more popular your blog, the more traffic you will get

It’s all about popularity. And it’s a simple principle. Your blog will get more traffic if it’s more popular. To make your blog popular, you have to strengthen your brand. You know, your brand is very important if you want to dominate your niche. Popular trends are closely related with branding. And the stronger your brand, the more traffic you will get.

If you want traffic, follow what’s popular

People are usually just a trend-follower. They follow the hype, something that’s popular today. And what they follow may not be the same each day. But one thing for sure is that they follow what’s popular, what other people are doing. So, if you want to drive traffic to your blog, you have to make sure that your blog follows what’s popular. That’s what will attract people to your blog.

People have more trust toward something popular

Here’s one interesting thing. Trend is important for trust-building. It means that people will have more trust toward things that are popular. Perhaps, this applies to you subconsciously. You will tend to avoid visiting blogs that are not popular. You’ll be more loyal to blogs with decent popularity and traffic, because you basically trust those blog more than blogs with low traffic and no popularity.

Viral marketing is essential

Most trends are spread out virally, and usually they spread very quickly. This is the power of viral marketing, a passive marketing strategy that you can utilize for your blog. In fact, this is the fastest way for you to drive traffic to your blog in a short time. Word of mouth marketing is still very effective to drive massive traffic to your blog, so use this strategy to boost your blog popularity. Okay, how can you do that? Start with something extraordinary. Offer something unique that is different from the rest of the blogs in your niche. Then, promote your unique perspective in various media.

Things become popular because they’re shown everywhere

You’ll know what’s popular if you can look at the things around you. Things become popular because they’re everywhere, and you won’t have any difficulty to find it. How can you apply this to your blog? It’s a simple strategy. If your blog can be shown everywhere people look around your niche, then it won’t be difficult for you to reap that massive traffic. Guest posting, blog commenting, advertising, video marketing, you name it. Use those marketing strategy to get your blog shown everywhere.

Those are the things you can learn from popular trends, and how you can apply those things in your blog. It will result in increased popularity and traffic for your blog, which will lead to successful blogging.

5 thoughts on “5 Things You Can Learn from Popular Trends

  1. There are many ways to increase traffic to our blogs “which is called viral marketing” in the post and the more strategies we do the more danger it will bring also to our blogs. Be sure to follow those people that not hurt your blogs. Be friends with them and also comment or follow on others post. A good thing to start increasing traffic, Nice post! Thanks

    1. This is so true! Doing tons of strategies for your blogs can get you out of focus. . . With the recent updates, guest posting is one of the best ways to get traffic.

      Just my thoughts

  2. People trust popular things, means you should give more emphasis on making your blog more popular. And you can do it with the help of viral marketing and social media engagements.

  3. hi. Great post. I ;like the point about “Things become popular because they’re shown everywhere.” I totally agree. I think that in this day and age you have to be “seen” or “heard” on various platforms, especially in the media and social media.

  4. I 100% agreed with your thoughts. Things become popular when they’re shown everywhere so we should work on it and try our best to spread our words through online platforms. Thanks for the 5 tips and suggestions.

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