Tips for Internet Marketing with Twitter

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Social media has become incredibly popular. People of all ages, from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe are utilizing social media sites on a regular basis. Twitter, a microblogging platform, happens to be one of the most popular social networks around, and as more people, businesses, and organizations sign up for the site, it is getting even more popular.

Twitter is great marketing tool, and many brands, businesses, websites, blogs, and other organizations are already using it as such. You may be one of them. Even if you already use Twitter for marketing, there surely are some tips and tricks you don’t know yet. The following are some quick tidbits that can help you do better internet marketing with Twitter.

Create a custom background.

You want to stand out, and a custom background for your Twitter feed can do just that. It will also help you to look more professional. A well-made background can help to better showcase who you and your business, site, or organization is beyond the tiny profile image and the incredibly brief profile text. There are online tools you can use to create a custom Twitter background, but you may get the best results if you hire a designer to make you a unique custom background completely from scratch.

Tweet from Twitter clients.

Twitter clients include HootSuite, Tweetdeck, and CoTweet. These are particularly helpful if you have multiple social media accounts and / or multiple contributors. Even if you are only on a single site, these can be handy for planning and scheduling out your social posts when you will be away from your desk. These service let you get a handle on everything that is happening on your Twitter (and other social media) accounts in one easy to access place.

Don’t forget the keywords.

Your tweets need to incorporate pertinent keywords. Most people who use Twitter scour the site for topics they are interested by searching for keywords. This means you should use popular keywords in each tweet. If you don’t include keywords, with or without the hash tag, it will be almost impossible for people to find your tweets and you.

Pay attention when someone is talking about you.

If someone retweets one of your posts or tweets about you directly, pay attention. You should keep an eye on what they say and reach out to these people. If they are saying positive things, you could build a great ally, and if they are negative, you could help to stop a potential public relations problem. If someone is kind, thank them for the tweet; if someone had a legitimate complaint, invite them to direct message you to resolve it. If someone is downright nasty or derogatory, it is okay to ignore them.

Promote those who promote you.

Remember those folks who retweet your stuff or say great things about you, your business, site, brand, and the like. When they have a tweet that is interesting or informative, you need to retweet this information. They will probably be flattered and become an even bigger advocate, and those that want to get attention will probably start talking about you, hoping for some retweet action themselves.

Have a consistent voice.

All of your messages on Twitter and elsewhere should be in a consistent, real, authentic voice that is true to your business, brand, or website. This voice should not be a voice that is selling; it should be friendly and informative. This will help your followers and current or potential customers see you as more genuine, transparent, and likeable. More importantly, people are more likely to want to buy from you if they don’t feel like you are selling anything at all.

12 thoughts on “Tips for Internet Marketing with Twitter

  1. Well, Social media is a one of the greatest way of traffic and Twitter is one of social media sites, you can drive your business smoothly in twitter with uses of these techniques, that’s all.

  2. Nice points, plus don’t forget to use hashtags with your tweets which also play essential role to show up to many users on twitter.

  3. Twitter has now been a bridge between the actual consumers and the companies. It is a great place to reach your target market. All you have to is execute it properly, just like the ones you’ve mentioned.

  4. Now-a-days social media is gaining huge popularity all these tips are really good. I will follow all these tips to get better results with Twitter.

  5. As for me, then I don’t see too many benefits of Twitter. It is useful just for announcing some new

  6. Much attention should be paid, of course, on the collaboration with other bloggers and people who work in the same sphere, and who also help you to spread information about your activity

  7. Through the internet marketing a person can reach millions of customers each day. Twitter and other social media sites are the best way to make this happen. I have studied on twitter and other social media sites and I have come to appreciate a number of successful business approaches to Twitter. We can not only drive traffic but also aware the people that we have great services that they can use or tools that can help improve their lives.

  8. “Promote those who promote You” Coz of this you could find unnecessary followers but nothing would be worth for the business. It could be used to showcase our fan following to potential customers as a sale point.

  9. Twitter is A World second top social networking site and it has many user approx to Billion around the world it provide a large number of opportunities to promote your business .

  10. Well to extract maximum benefit out of twitter we need to retweet as many tweets as possible. Using keywords and actively tweeting like at least once in an hour is pretty much beneficial.

  11. As per my opinion, these days each and every one use twitter in their daily life even sharing their thoughts or important information with others. But as business purposes it is more beneficial for business owner to share their latest updates instantly across the globe with sound profile. You have really mentioned awesome information with us. Thanks…

  12. Great tips indeed. Twitter can be one of the best way to market your online business. It is a fact that lots of people are already on twitter and are craving for more and more tweets. One can easily use this fact to promote his/her business and with the tips that you’ve mentioned, it can be done more effectively.

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