Today, if any thing is really growing is Technology. As advance technologies is growing we are getting more into it. Take a quick look at 10 advance technologies started in 2000’s.
1. Growing popularity of broadband, gradually replacing the dial-up Internet.
2. Bluetooth grows the concept of wireless network.
3. Microsoft releases Windows XP (2001), Windows Vista (in 2007) and Windows Seven (in 2009), Windows 8 (2012), as well as Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Office 2010.
4. Blu-ray appears but does not replace the DVD, which in turn becomes obsolete VHS tapes.
5. Surge technology of Internet telephony (VoIP) with Skype
6. The disk falls into disuse, being replaced by CD-R, DVD, USB drive and the resurgence of business cards memory.
7. Apple launches iPod and iPhone, revolutionizing the market for mobile phones and MP3 players.
8. Emerged in the Internet social networks like Orkut, Facebook, Google +, MySpace, hi5 and Twitter.
9. MP3 Players, MP4 Players, Phones, Desktops, laptops and digital cameras become popular.
10. Popularization of the concept of video sharing, driven especially by YouTube.
Very true…. We’ve seen technology revolution in 2000 and it’ll continue in coming years as well.
Technology has really changes and become more advanced… Now people can’t about living without these comfortable technologies.
All are true! We can’t deny the fact that technology are now become part of our daily lives. I wish that there is also “Acceptance of Open Source software dramatically increase”.
Nice info!! Impressed with your blog, you have done a great job..much happy to see a female writer like you with a grt blog!
Sometimes I think that technology develops faster than anything. Ten years ago it was dificult to imagine that everyone will have his or her own laptop and will stay connected to the internet anywhere.
Cloud technologies and gaming has also become more common after 2000’s. Mobile OS are also becoming more developed and computer like