How Businesses Could Bank on Twitter to Accelerate Their Growth

We know the importance of social media platforms. Don’t we? Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest are reckoned amongst the major social media platforms. But how many of us know about Twitter and its benefits to business? Very Few… To those who are not aware, Twitter is the powerful social media platform for startups, SMBs and […]

12 Twitter Tools to Improve your business

Are you looking to build your brand on Twitter? Here is 12 tools for you to help you build your brand on Twitter. If you can’t fit a message into 140 characters, there is hope at the end of the article with a service that does this especially. Also, you can boost your business with […]

Twitter: The Latest Target for Spear-Phishing Attacks

The tweet was alarming: The Associated Press reported an explosion at the White House that injured President Barack Obama. In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings just over a week earlier, the country was already on edge, and after the Associate Press tweet, the stock market took an immediate hit, dropping about one percent […]

What the New Nielsen Twitter Ratings Mean for TV, Social Media, and Advertisers

Since the beginning of television ratings history, Nielsen has been the only name associated with viewership statistics and ranking reports. It has been the standard in letting everyone from television executives and producers to advertisers know which television programs are popular. With the rise of “the second screen” viewing on varied multimedia devices and social […]

How to Tweet Your Way into More Blog Popularity

You can use Twitter to make your blog more popular. In fact, Twitter will help you to spread the word about your blog virally. Viral marketing is a good way to promote your blog. It’s also a cost-effective way to get more visitors into your blog. And the good news is that you can use Twitter […]

Promote Your Business with Twitter Marketing

It is true that the modern technology has made the life for us much simpler and easy. Technology has affected almost all the spheres of our lives. Even the world of advertising and marketing is heavily influenced by a various platforms that are available on the internet so as to effectively reach the customers around […]

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