Is Hashtag really helpful in Facebook?

Hash Tag convert text on your page or time-line into click-able links. Any kind of text can be Hashtaged. It could be a topic or a phrase for example. It is Facebook’s way of categorizing all the posts and making them available with a single search phrase. This is a handy index of topics that […]

Is Your Google+ a Minus?

A lot of people seem to agree that, in order to establish some form of niche authority over the Internet, you need to have a Google+ account that you can use to verify your online identity. It’s the best way by which you can have your online work (such as articles) credited to you on […]

How to Enjoy Effortless Social Media

Effortless social media is actually very difficult to achieve—no matter how convenient experts say it is, we all know that it still takes a lot of work. This is especially true if the purpose of your Twitter, G+, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts is to promote awareness and support your business or professional image. Between actually […]

Pinterest Copycats – Where’s it Headed?

The Pinterest-ization of the Internet is changing how we research and buy stuff. What we see is what we like, and we’re quick to share among our friends and networks. And sometimes, maybe, we even buy the stuff ourselves. That’s the angle viewed in the GigaOm article on new social commerce startups â€‹like new shopping startup Wanelo […]

Social Media in East Asia

Social media in East Asia is slowly becoming the new trend and culture, as more people and communities in the region, adopt this new mode of communication. In the past, the countries in East Asia, relied solely on information from strict government controlled channels, but this is no longer the case. The tide is changing, […]

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