Professional Photos with Instagram

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The use of Instagram has skyrocketed in the past few months that this application has become available for both Apple products and those products utilizing the Android software. Everyone who has a smartphone is able to get involved with this social media application and this has made for some great exposure for businesses, as well as allowing many budding photographers to get the word out about their abilities as a photographer.


It brings to light several issues with paying a professional photographer versus utilizing this social media application for your picture needs.

Instagram and Professionals

Contrary to what most people believe, the use of Instagram is not frowned upon by many professional photographers in the field. They look at this as a valid way for a person to make a statement or for a business to round up consumers who are interested in what they have to offer. The big difference is that Instagram does not allow the person to take pictures that are considered on the professional level, as most photographers, or at least that is what most people think.

Developing Professional Photos with Instagram

There are several methods in which a person can utilize in order to get their photos to the same quality standards as the photos in which professionals can deliver. There are several things in which can contribute to their photo quality success. The first is the type of phone in which the person is utilizing in order to make these pictures happen. Several smartphones have cameras, which are just as good as some of the lower quality professional cameras on the market. For those who are using an outdated smartphone, their pictures could come across as being blurry and overall poor quality.

Another aspect in which helps a person to achieve professional quality is the number of applications they are using to make this photo special. Several people simply take the photo and post this onto Instagram. However, this is not going to provide the best possible picture. There are several applications which are meant to reduce blurry images, help make colors brighter and even help to give those photos taken a look such as sepia or black and white. These are all ways in which a person can make their photos stand out when compared to the other photos that are appearing on Instagram.

Businesses and Instagram

Those businesses who are using Instagram need not only worry about the quality of their picture, but they should always be worried about their following.

Overall, Instagram has changed the way in which a business or a person can get their message out to the world. Though it is an application, it should still be viewed as a professional means of communication and for that reason all the pictures should be of high quality that someone posts.

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