Online advertising includes search engine optimization, social media marketing strategies, back linking, bookmarking, and web development. These factors are important in order to promote your brand, build customer loyalty, and generate more sales.
Having your own business website gives you the potential to attract readers and convert them into customers. Choosing an appealing design for your website is one of the important factors that make a good website.
Dark Web Design
Dark web designs are popular for their creative, elegant, modern, sleek, and grungy appeal. They work well for some industries, but it doesn’t suit every website. If you think your brand and target audience will appreciate a dark-themed web design more than conventional ones, then you should go for it. However, you should take note of the common mistakes web designers make and avoid making them yourself.
Common Mistakes
Dark web designs can have a striking visual impact. Many designers, however, fail to catch the viewers’ attention effectively. Pulling off a dark design involves the right mixture of usability and appeal. A poorly executed dark web design is hard to read. When a site is hard to read, users leave automatically. Here are some tips to create a dark web design that conveys your brand well but still considering the comfort of your visitors.
Dark Background, White Spaces
Effective use of white space is important for any type of web design, even more so with dark themes. Dark web designs need white spaces to somehow balance out the whole page. As dark colors have a tendency to look heavy and pale, you should know the right areas to use white space. This can gradually guide the readers down to the end of the page without losing their attention or patience. The dark background adds depth to the web design, so balance them out to make every part of your site noticed.
Textual Space
Readability of dark web designs is often criticized. You must pay extra attention on how the texts can affect people who will read through your web pages. Will they experience ease or difficulty? Improve readability by adjusting paragraph sizes and leading to increase spacing. This allows texts to stand out more than any other design element. Even if your web design is great, having zero readability can turn it into a disaster.
Too much or too little contrast can turn off users immediately. Finding the right balance means weighing the background’s darkness with the texts’ lightness. As the background gets darker, the text should go lighter. Just imagine if your background is pure black and your font color is dark grey. Users cannot read anything at all. Experiment with different shades until you come up with something you can read comfortably.
Limit Your Color Scheme
Less is more when designing a dark website. Limit the colors you will use to make your website look clean. Busy colors can mess up the contrast and uniformity of your site. Dark website already has depth in grayscale so you must use colors carefully. The right techniques will enable you to choose the right colors for better cohesion, appeal, and readability.