Social media and networking is gradually losing its popularity in its initial meaning. Though it is still hugely popular, you can surely see the difference between the users of well-known Facebook and a bit less popular social network. At first glance they have the same principles, the same methods, and many other similar things. Yet some of these things are different.
And the first among these differences is the main mission of a given social network. This is a very interesting and a curious moment – because, according to the statistics, the audiences of different social networks vary considerably. In other words – different networks are used for different purposes, and not always for entertainment and virtual personal presence. But for some other reasons which sometimes are not childish.
The social network under an iconic name, LinkedIn, is among the ones that are made not for pure entertainment. In fact, it is one of popular networks that is used in many countries and has nothing in common with networks designed for entertainment. You can find a lot of people in it, but still you will not find them sharing with each other pictures and demos from cartoons, and they usually don’t keep their personal photos from drunk parties in their profiles. The level of a given social network is quite different, and today we shall briefly inspect the ways of getting profit out of such networks for small and larger businesses.
Actually, smart HRs have already been using LinkedIn for a long time as a tool for seeking, hunting, and intercepting the most perspective personnel. The reason for this is that LinkedIn is in fact a professional social network – where people have accounts with specially professional purposes; – getting known to each other, knowing what is going on in other companies, and making strategic steps towards other businesses. Lots of startups and their initial teams are being created using LinkedIn, and much more are going to start in future.
HRs are using LinkedIn profiles mainly for the following purposes:
# Keeping the person whose skills they need in mind, and even making databases of such people in order to act at the right moment, and intercept the best candidate. It is rather easy to do – because usually a lot of people from different businesses and organizations know each other and the news concerning bonuses, conditions, and salaries spread quickly.
# Hiring the most suitable personnel – because it is easy and highly efficient. People usually show their profile to others, and the above mentioned profile usually contains all the info concerning the working experience and other details. This enables HRs to choose people with absolute accuracy, picking out only those ones they need to according to the experience and skills of a person.
# The level of false accounts is rather low and the level of true accounts with true skills is high. Time, which is usually spent on exploring tons of needless profiles received from the sites of job seeker, is spent quickly and efficiently because all those who you are interested in, along with their skills, are already here. You just have to make a good proposition.
People are expected to get a proposition there. This is the main purpose of such networks. The intentions of your competitor can be checked out right there, without even interviewing him or her. This is one more option of time saving and efficiency. Such are the main principles of building corporate strategy using LinkedIn and other similar networks for professionals.