WordPress plugins are very useful in accelerating your website processing speed. They are also effective in SEO and help in maintain better look and feel. Due to embedded plugins, your website will run faster. No doubt plugins in general and SEO plugins in particular are considered as an integral part of any WordPress website.
However some of the SEO plugins are malicious and have adverse effects on your website processing. Good plugins are a must for the website while bad plugins be avoided to avoid slowing down your website processing speed. Websites with such plugins are more prone to hacker’s attacks.
The Best available SEO Plugins for your website!
To make your website catchier, you need a universal SEO tool for your website. The best available is Yoast’s WordPress SEO. It has everything you need for customizing your website. The customized plugins are tailored to your website requirements. A carefully selected plugins will minimize the hacking risk. In addition to SEO plugins you have a variety of other plugins as briefly explained below:
- If you have video and images then you need a sitemap creator.
- To make your website contents more Google eye catching, content optimization is to be done by suitable plugin.
- Have a link tool plugin for reports and other info like inbound links and from where your comments come and many relevant things.
- Social media plugins to make sharing easy on your website.
A bad plugin is developed using malicious code and harmful ideas. Such plugins must be identified and avoided to improve your website efficiency.
Increasing plugins also increases risk
Embedding more plugins increases risk of being falling into trouble as the chances of using a bad plugins may also increase. If you are well experienced in coding and confident enough to choose good plugins then it needs no worry, use as many plugins as you need.
More good plugins no security risks
Usually websites having plenty of bad plugins are more vulnerable to hacker’s attacks. It means if even one plugin among you used is bad, you have put your entire website on risk. Website vulnerability in plugins is commonly caused by lack of good data sanitation and validation. To address these issues you may consult tutorials.
Why our website responses slow?
Two major factors in minimizing the website speed are:
- Having many duplicate JavaScript libraries.
- Having unnecessary HTTP requests.
The category 1 plugins tries to open source libraries without searching for already cached source libraries. A good plugin ensures availability of JavaScript libraries prior to making any request. The plugins only generate unjustified requests and cause your website respond slow.
Unnecessary HTTP requests are generated by category 2 plugins. The not responding problem arises when the plugins looks for those link files which it does not need at all. Both category 1 and category 2 plugins cause your website respond slow.
How I can avoid bad plugins?
You must carefully analyze your website for performance. If you have programming knowledge and can identify good and bad plugins from their codes, it is an ideal. But if you are not familiar with coding then you can’t identify a good plugin. Keeping plugins at minimum and installing only those plugins you really need is the optimum solution in this case.
Make sure you have a sound and knowledgeable research prior choosing plugins to your website. Reviews are also very helpful. However the world of plugins keeps changing, so make sure you are viewing the updated version. Popular positive plugins are usually updated as they are developed by authentic and competent programmers.