Why You Should get Your Website Usability Analysis Today

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Website usability is exactly what it seems. It is whether or not your website is easy to use, and it is often a significant indicator of its overall success. Understanding those who will be using your website, and making sure that everything they are looking for can be located easily and quickly. How do you assure that your website delivers all of this?


By implementing a website usability analysis, which is an investigation of every aspect of your site to ensure its optimal performance. Once you understand the intricacies of your site and the needs of your targeted user audience, then you have the information you need to provide your visitors with the best possible user experience. This in turn increases your conversion rates and revenues.

Most website owners employ consultants to audit, examine and make recommendations for ways to improve the usability of their sites. These recommendations will revolve around the user experience and interaction with the site. There are generally four issues which are looked at during the analysis: branding, functionality, content and of course, usability. Once those aspects are appropriately leveraged within your site, you will know both the strengths and weaknesses that require fixes, and once those fixes are in place then the user’s experience will be maximized.

Some of the worst issues that arise for users are slow load times, error pages, broken links, complicated navigation and no option for feedback to determine the customer’s issues with the site. A website usability analysis will address all of these issues, in addition to your page layouts, contrast between text and background, font size or ease of reading, number of add-ons you have employed on the site, proper ALT tags on images, logo placement, clear precise content, internal and external links, site search efficiency, heading descriptiveness, quality of content, style, colour, ads, pop-ups, HTML, make sure your URLs are user friendly, and your page titles are clear and descriptive, among others.

Once all of these issues have been analysed, tested and corrected, the usability of your site will increase exponentially. In direct correlation, your viewers, customers and revenues should increase markedly. An analysis and correction of these issues not only makes your site more user friendly, but also far more search engine friendly. After all, if a site is not SEO friendly, then anything else is simply a waste of time, effort and money. The results which you can expect to obtain from a professional usability analysis are refined design, with headings and content that are easy to read and understand, and a website which is easy and effortless to navigate. When you combine this process with conversion rate optimization you will be well on your way to the most successful website you could ever hope to have.

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