The concept of guest posting is far from new. However it has evolved since it was first on the scene. As a result it is now considered to be one of the most effective methods of SEO and internet marketing. This is of course if it is used properly. There are lots of guest posts on the internet however only a selection of these are actually effective.
This article provides some tips and guidance for creating and using guest posts. All tips are used with audience and social metrics kept in mind. These are crucial components in the success of a guest post and thus need to be delved into a little deeper.
Audience and social metrics
Your audience and the subsequent social metrics are the core of your article. If your guest post is not effective and is not getting shared then the chances are that you either are not reaching enough people or your content is reaching people but simply is not good enough. You need to use social metrics in order to understand the effectiveness of your article and the impact the guest post is having on the audience. When choosing your guest posting opportunities you need to use this in order to ensure that you are reaching a large audience and therefore generating traffic. Furthermore, social metrics are essential in guaranteeing that posts are being shared as well. Therefore, every decision and opportunity that is made has to be done so whilst keeping in mind your audience and the different social measurement techniques.
Relevant backlinks
When choosing opportunities for guest posts you need to make sure that the post is going to present you with the opportunity for effective, quality and relevant backlinks. The site needs to be one that is relevant to your own. After all, a relevant website is much more likely to create backlinks that will get used because people are more likely to be interested in your business too. If you run a jewellery company and you have a guest post on a gardening website then your guest post is not going to be effective because the relevance factor is none. The audience of the guest post’s website and your audience need to be the same if not similar. This is essential in creating traffic and sharing possibilities.
Quality unduplicated content
You need to make sure that your content is original and that it is of quality. In the current day there has been greater emphasis placed on the standard of the content. In the past guest posts would have been created and it would have been obvious that they were simply there for the purpose of creating backlinks. However, as marketing has progressed, so too has the use of content. You need to make sure that the guest posts read naturally. You also need to make sure that the content is interesting and of use to the viewer. This is essential in ensuring that it appeals to your audience, that it serves its purpose, and that it is shared by various individuals.
When creating guest posts you need to ensure you bear in mind your audience and the social metrics that revolve around guaranteeing your posts are shared and that they serve their purpose. Therefore, make sure that all backlinks are relevant, all guest posts are on websites with a similar target audience as you, and that all content is useful and of quality.