Mobile apps are increasingly becoming popular. The ease of mobile app development has lured many web development companies and freelancers into app development. Today, there are thousands of apps in every app store. While some of them have become very popular, others lie buried underneath. Creating useful apps can be lucrative only if it gets popular at the app stores. While it is a hard task to promote individual apps at the app store, there is yet another way of generating huge income by marketing enterprise mobile apps.
If you already have a strong online network, you can utilize your online popularity to market enterprise mobile applications. It is not a wise thing to go for affiliate marketing, when it comes to marketing enterprise apps. A little bit of effort from your side can make app marketing highly profitable. Here are a few tips on how to go about.
Mobile apps marketing
As a first step, identify the app developers in your locality. Visit the companies in person and have a chat with the business development team. Learn about the products they have in store. Many developers have off-the shelf apps that can be easily customized to the needs of clients. Although both native apps and hybrid apps are available for use at the enterprise level, most companies prefer hybrid apps as they are cross platform compatible.
Know the technicalities
It would be apt to brief on native and hybrid apps at this juncture. Native apps are those that are created to function on single platform. Good examples include apps created using Objective-C to run on iOS. These apps are device specific and cannot be used on devices that operate on different operating systems. Hybrid apps, on the other hand, are created using HTML5 and JavaScript, and are cross platform compatible. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept is gaining momentum as many companies are looking to reduce operational costs. Since not all employees will have mobile devices operating on the same platform, hybrid app that can work on any mobile device is often preferred by companies.
Once you have an idea about the off-the-shelf enterprise apps available with the developer, you can visit some of the industries. For example, readymade apps are available for industries such as automotive, healthcare, insurance, retail stores, and many more. Once you are into the field you need to exercise your marketing skills. Apps for instance can greatly increase productivity and sales while reducing operational costs. Explaining the benevolence of using enterprise level apps to the relevant people concerned will enable you to market the apps.
Bargain hard
Once you have secured the order, you can negotiate your margin with the app developer. Developers will only be too glad to provide you with a handsome commission. It is also possible to obtain commissions from the industry that is desperately looking for mobility solutions. While marketing person is the easiest way to earn quick money, it is also possible to market them online using standard methods in vogue.
Best of all the online marketing methods is the email marketing. No it’s not about email blast! Personalized email marketing to target audience is the way to market enterprise mobile apps. It is all right to use banner ads, if you have a website of your own. However, it is not a wise idea to venture into PPC ads. Why would you risk investing any money when you can earn handsomely with your marketing skills?