Blogging is an endeavor in which many people engage. They write about their favorite recipes, places to which they travel with their families and so forth. However, despite the vast number of people who participate in blogging, some of them are still missing a truly huge component of the process: visual appeal.
Why is it that blogs must be appealing to the eyes and comprehensively pleasing to the senses to truly be successful in the big world of the web?
Showing not Telling
Anyone who has produced an unsuccessful paper in college has probably heard the phrase, “Show me. Don’t tell me.” In these instances, professors are begging for descriptions that paint a picture or perhaps even graphs, charts or other data. When a blogger describes the crispy crust of an apple pie or the rich coloring of a chocolate fondue, the readers want to be able to actually see the foods. Therefore, no matter what the subject of the blog is, the writer should make an effort to produce pictures to please the reader’s sense of wonder and curiosity.
Better Explaining
Let’s envision a blog about crafting, woodworking or some other practical skill. While the blogger is describing the finished project to the audience, he or she is also letting the readers know they can actually create these goods themselves. Sanding wood and threading a needle are fairly common terms to people who participate in these fields on a regular basis, but they may very well mean nothing to those who are new to the disciplines. Instead of trying to describe a step to people, smart bloggers know that they must add pictures that demonstrate a step-by-step process. When people know that a particular blog offers clear and easy pictures, they are likely to choose this blog over the other ones on the Internet. This goal is a major one of adding pictures to a blog: individuals will want to return to that particular site as opposed to others.
Breaking the Monotony
A page full of text without any breaks can really be quite jarring; therefore, adding in pictures adds up the monotonous feel of such a site. In addition to looking the same throughout, a website that has no color or life to it is just boring. People want to see images that help them better understand what they are reading, but they also do not want to be lulled to sleep whenever they visit the blog. Even if it’s a subject about which not many photos are available, adding some cartoons or other graphics takes it from dull and humdrum to exciting and enthralling.
Don’t Go Overboard
Every single space on the website should not be occupied by some photo or graphic. In fact, blogs that are filled with pictures in every single space can be as overwhelming as barren blogs are boring. It’s important to achieve a balance. Having a caption or explanation for the photos is important, and selecting graphics that match the theme of the blog helps to create overall cohesion. One background scheme is an excellent idea. If the page has every color of the rainbow on it, it’s going to be overwhelming and maybe even look a little bit childish.
Images, photos and graphics are an important component of any blog, especially when the writer wants to draw in a crowd. Bloggers must just be careful to create a balance that does not go too over the top.