Domain at $0.99 From Godaddy

Once again Godaddy is offering domain at $0.09. You can register  or transfer .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CO.UK( only registration ), .IN or .CA. Here Is the Coupon Code for $0.99 godaddy99 It  works for only one domain per account, and only for the first year. You could create multiple accounts to register […]

VoIP calls with Gmail

Official Google Blog announced the approval of all VoIP calls with Gmail account. With a simple click you can call via Internet to any phone number after you install a special plugin , and the rates seem to be very inviting . The service is already active for U.S. and Canadian users, who can talk […]

Reasons Why To Make Money With Your Blog

The Internet is a way to earn money, alias a money machine, whether you like it or not. Increasingly, people are able to generate enough profit to live on the internet. But let’s not delude ourselves with making money on the internet. Everything has its way a sure way to make money, but seeing how […]

Measuring Speed Of Blog

Organizing a blog speed is always recommended.  With a nice layout, it can help you boost your visits and possibly great gains for your blog.  The two plugins listed below have many highlights, respecting performance standards developed by the giants of searches: Google and Yahoo respectively. Both share from basic to advanced needs of a site […]

1 Year Free Premium Web Hosting

If you are planning to create your own wordpess blog absolutely FREE so, you are at right place. JumpLine is offering Premium webhosting absolutely free for one year(no hidden charges). It’s easy for a blogger to earn from blog and pay for the next year or simply change webhost next year if not satisified with […]

50 Applications To Analyze Twitter Account

The social network of bluebird Twitter, each time brings  many tools so deserve to be mentioned in lists.  This time, I selected a list of 50 applications that can get interesting information about us and help us to analyze twitter account, they always vary in format and presentation of the algorithm. So do not forget […]

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