Making Marketing Tactics by Removing your Competitors Backlinks

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It has become essential for almost all kinds of the businesses to maintain an online platform for the expansion and fame of their businesses. No matter, whether they deal in the business of manufacturing of products or they offer services to their clients and customers; they have to provide their target customers and clients with an online medium to approach them.


This is why; search engine optimization has become a need of the hour for every online business and activity in order to get the eyes of millions of the people.

Online marketing strategies and backlinks:

Search engine optimization is the most important dimension that has to be considered well during the developing of the marketing strategies for online viewers. Usage of the backlink has become a question mark for many organizations that had not been using it with an appropriate sense. These backlinks turn out to be very effective in increasing the ranks of the pages. However, if used improperly in various sites, then they can provide a lot of harm in the sense of online marketing and search engine optimization. Google has developed the strategies for skipping the sites that use backlinks with black hat search engine optimization techniques.

Competitor’s backlinks removal technique:

It is considered to be a part of the marketing strategy to keep an eye over the competitor’s activities and their marketing strategies. Unfortunately, one can easily remove the backlinks to the competitors’ websites by unethical means. But still, for the success of the business and for its fame, it becomes important sometimes for the organizations to undergo this.

People can easily get the backlinks to the competitors’ sites removed by using the similar domain names and email addresses. According to a research, 39 % of the people don’t bother to give a proper attention to the identification of the sender and simply respond to the mails that they receive. Taking an advantage of this thing, people get the similar domain names email IDs and send the emails to the other sites that post the backlinks of the competitors. They give some legal actions’ threats for posting these links. Sometimes, they pretend to be an owner of the businesses and request the people to remove the backlinks of the site.

By doing so, almost one third of the backlinks are removed and this causes a lot of losses to the competitors. But what if the competitors use the same strategy for your websites? Obviously, it becomes problematic and some solution has to be there for this. Yes, there is a solution for this thing as well. Google has provided people with a tool named “SEO Profiler” that can be utilized to keep the track of the number of backlinks. People can look for the red shaded backlinks that are not responding due to either removal or some other failure. In this way, people can keep track of their backlinks and can make good marketing strategies for their businesses.

Organizations are required not to remove their backlinks after the Penguin 2.0 update by the google. They better improve the quality of the matter associated with the links and make them relevant to the businesses nature. In this way, people can make a good use of their own backlinks even after the launch of this lethal update of the Google, whereas crushing the competitors with the dynamic online marketing strategies. The more the numbers of the backlinks as per rules and policies of the white hat search engine optimization, the higher will be the rank. So, for the successful online marketing strategies designing and implementation, backlinks have to be used in a proper manner by the organization.

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