Now that you have spent the last few weeks to develop a highly appealing and effective website, it is time to start thinking about optimizing your pages. Only incorporating the right keywords in the right spots may just not cut it for you anymore.
Many new website owners feel that keyword integration is the only way to achieve high rankings. It takes these websites a few weeks if not months to realize that their ranking seldom improves with just a single strategy.
Why does this happen?
Instead of wasting quality time on trial and error, it is important for you to get your concept about good SEO right. In addition to the correct use of keywords, a factor that influences your dynamic search rankings is your ‘links’.
Building links is critical to SEO success, and here is how you can attract quality links –
- Selecting Quality over Quantity – One of the most important factors that search engines look into is the quality of your back-link. In a way, the better the quality of your back-link the higher, it is assumed by search engines, is the quality of your content. This means that the content on your pages, the anchor texts, and the page on which you are linking this content needs to be consistent.
- Legitimacy and Relevance: The links that you post on the World Wide Web should all be placed on websites that you are confident will not spam your readers. Also, choose legitimate websites that provide content that is relevant to your core business or industry.
- Making a Value Proposition: If your business is new, you will find it difficult to find other legitimate websites who are ready to let your links be posted on their pages. It is best to make a value proposition to these pages by offering them opportunities of guest blogging, back-linking and other such mutual online benefits.
- Link Exchanges, Do they Work?: Having said that, remember that you will have to get a little smarter with your link exchanges. For example, reciprocal links – those links where your friend links to your site and you link to his – are abundantly availing on the internet. Most search engines assume that these links are trying to manipulate the system. These links are considered to be quality and hence the exercise is pretty much a waste.
- Getting Listed on Industry Specific and Generic Directories: Search engines do not only rely on popularity of a particular page based on user driven information. It also gives a certain weight-age to those links which are posted to authentic industry directories. By listing yourself here, you may not be engaging directly with your target audience, but you are definitely making the crawlers happy.
- Looking for Patterns in the Link Universe:If you are new to link building, it is importance that you perform a little due diligence before you begin. Understand where your target audience is, what kind of information they are seeking with respect to your offerings; and then make relevant dynamic searches to see which sites are ranking high in this area. This will help you design a pattern and stay ahead of the game in the link building universe.
Finally, it doesn’t make sense for you to simply emulate what your competitors are doing. As a matter of fact, it is best to find gaps in their strategies and find ways to fill it. This way you will be able to build a niche for yourself in a rather cluttered online space.