Earlier, how to use professional fonts on website legally is a major issue of concern? Web designers have faced lots of limitations and hurdles in using best quality professional web fonts for their web portals. This is because of the simple reason that graphic designer’s need legal permission to display the unique and professional fonts tailored specially for web portals. The technical challenges regarding multilingual fonts bring the most-sought after custom web fonts services into real picture.
From past few years, a noticeable revolution has been seen in the market of web font services and nobody can deny this fact. Custom web font services are one-of-its-kind most cost-effective solution of using professionally designed web fonts without sacrificing quality and readability into real picture. These services provide graphic designers a license to showcase and use custom typefaces on the particular web portal legally.
Majority of people relies on good typography to convey particular business message. The so called “web typefaces” are the unique font files embedded in the website pages by using @font-face to display dynamic content. An amazing web typography service plays a very significant role in adding quality, consistency, flexibility, and reliability to professionally designed web portal. Compare and choose the best web font service depending upon your web requirement and budget limit.
In the market place, there are numerous major player such as Typekit, Webtype, Fonts Live, Fontdeck, TypeFront, Fontspring, Fonts.com Web Fonts, Google Fonts, Kernest, Typotheque, WebINK and Font-Face offering web font services. Below, I have picked up some useful web font services and discussed their pros and cons in brief. Hope, this hard-boiled comparison will help you out:
As per the market research so far, it has been noticed that approximately 80 million people are using Jeffrey Veen founded Typekit web font service per month. From Typekit large library of almost 4,000 professional web fonts only half can be used on through licensing basis. The particular web font service allows easy integration with Google Font API, WordPress, Posterous, Typepad and other blogging platform to web designers. The JavaScript based implementation is the biggest disadvantage of using Typekit.
The Webtype is the collaboration of highly prestigious masters like Font Bureau10, Roger Black, Ascender11, DevBridge12 and Petr Van Blokland aimed to offer high quality web typography specifically tailored for the web portals. This widely adopted webfonts service in the market comes with the 365 font selection. The Webtype comes with numerous benefits such as quick and easy setup, self host high quality fonts, instant font upgrades, automatic web browser support, JavaScript-free integration and lots more.
Fontdeck is another web font service a solely created by Clearleft14, Jon Tan and Richard Rutter and OmniTI15. It is mainly focused to provide real text with professional web typeface services generally optimised for the web portal. The Fontdeck is a easy-to-set-up CSS @font-face solution, comes with standards compliant fonts, money-saving font plans, no bandwidth limit, unlimited trial periods, CSS without JavaScript and no self-hosting option.
The Ascender Corp new FontsLive web font service aimed to bring forward online web typographic creativity on the web in the form of premium quality web fonts and desktop font. It offers well tested hundreds of web fonts to choose from large typeface library licenses by talented web designers and foundries. The FontsLive web font service encompasses with awesome benefits like automatic font updates, desktop font license, self-host web fonts, easy JavaScript-free integration, browser support, User Interface fonts, etc.
TypeFront is a complete web font distribution platform offering hosting-only service that allows web designers to upload different easy-to-download web fonts under a web-friendly license. It is highly suitable for do-it-yourself web designers that own particular web font. The biggest advantage of TypeFront over other web font services is that it comes with easy uploading of font files, API interface for platform integration, no noticeable delay.