Social media analytics is very important to understand how audiences react to any app on your phone, or to know for what reasons do your audiences make use of a phone. Apple has completely understood the importance of analytics combined with social media, and this is probably the only reason why Apple has taken the first step towards indulging in Social Media Analytics.
Quite recently Apple has acquired the social media search and analytics company Topsy Labs, which is basically a start-up in this field. This was done with the motive of understanding their smart phone users in a better way. Topsy is an analytics build company that specializes mainly in Twittersphere that too real time trend data analysis. This company understands how the audiences sentiments work, how trends develop, the most tweeted term of the day, the influencers of specific topics and, the audience and market reaction to marketing campaigns that were indulged in.
Apple needed the social media analytics as part of the mobile and mobile app design. It wanted to include the offerings of Topsy as part of its core products such that it can boost their products to sync with consumer needs. Topsy is one of those few companies that has all access to twitter data. Apple is just joining the bandwagon by joining hands with Topsy. With this significant relationship, Apple will be able to dwell better in location specific app services.
Privileged Access to Twitter Data
Apple has been criticized for not being able to provide their consumers with something that they can look forward to. Apple which is known for innovation had constantly neglected what the consumer interests are and what is the consumer looking forward to. They were not even aware for long on how the company is being viewed by the public, and what the services that are trending are.
What will Apple do with the data availed from Tosy? With this data in hand, the company will monitor and analyze the user activity and their sentiments. With the access to the full tweet stream, there would be amazing pool of data that can be analytically mined on real time basis and, used for a variety of purposes. With the sophisticated algorithms developed for this purpose, specific metrics can be used to analyze the terms being tweeted, hashtags being used and trends that are happening.
Smart Way to Online Marketing
If you study Apple’s product development or technology acquisition trend, you would realize that it goes in for small deals that offer a service feature that can be enhanced on at a later stage for product development related to customer needs. At present it is not clear how Apple will use the technology derived from Topsy. With the analysis that comes from topsy, Apple will be able to push relevant data on iTunes. They can even look to refining Siri’s search methods or monitor the conversations revolving around Apple. Basically it can be used both to refine the existing product as well as to manifest new products and services for the end users.
Location Experience Apps
Location specific apps are quite in demand! With the kind of real time twitter data Apple has access to at present, analyzing it will help Apple come up with some good and high quality local app services which will benefit the users. There have been instances in the past where Apple has come up with location specific apps, but with this the company would be able to portray better apps that are defined for local purposes.
The geo tracking ability, use of landmarks and noting the local events will be easier given the user of trending twitter data that is real time. Apple has other location based technologies as well which can merge with Topsy to form a locationary for Apple that will help it build good services. Integration is a classic way for apple to give good experience specific apps to its end users.