Test Your Popularity on Twitter

Author : | Category : Social Networks | Last Updated :

Want to measure your popularity on Twitter and learn how to walk to your microblog reputation in the TweetLevel is a “gauge” of influence on microbloging, developed by advertising agency Edelman.

The TweetLevel works as follows: simply enter the username and twitter application will measure how influential you are.

To perform the calculation, that the application uses four parameters: the influence, popularity and trust. Each parameter may receive a weight from 1 to 100, so that the higher the score on each of these parameters, the greater the importance of “twitter” on the network.

The first parameter measures the influence ofย  “tweets,” are interesting if and how many people read, the next is the popularity, it is analyzed the number of followers, their commitment, user activity within their community and ultimately the confidence if your audience (followers) interact with you if you give us your twetts RT.

Visit –ย  TweetLevel

7 thoughts on “Test Your Popularity on Twitter

  1. My Popularity is 48 ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. This is awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ To bad there isn’t a tool to work out how influential you are as a blogger ๐Ÿ™

  3. That tool is just comparing following and the followers. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Nice share buddy..

  4. Nice Post! Tweetlevel sounds like a good tool to evaluate yourself and what you need to work on twitter in order to get more popularity.

  5. Influence 46.5
    Popularity 53.8
    Engagement 55.3
    Trust 25

    nice tool , thanks for the share i know only twinfluence

  6. Thanks for sharing this nice tool. I got a score of 40.2….I need to improve a lot.
    Another tool that I use is Twitalyzer.

  7. Wow, this is a cool tool. Thanks for sharing this Isha. I am not much active on Twitter and so, I guess I will score low. Btw, seems like Tweetlevel is currently working on improving itself.

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