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Top 10 iPhone apps Elevating Productivity Graph of Small Business

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Handling small business is a bit daunting task and the owners may feel the pressure while managing all their nurturing and networking clients. Additionally, it can be an overwhelming task as well to keep in touch with all the responsibilities ranging from accounting meetings to business trips. This is the reason that enables iPhone developers to launch apps that can aid in organizing the plans and keeping ahead of the game.


Swarm is one of the amazing tools for iPhone Developers which will convert the dream of mobile app into a reality. It is attained expertise in developing user interfaces, designing app layouts and in coding as well. It aims at exceeding the expectation of the client and thus, the experts has worked harder so as to ensure that they are serving the best quality.
iPhone applications elevating small business:

Billing Touch:

This is an excellent and top-notch app that can keep an eye on tracking time and all the invoices of the clients. It will be amazing for you to know that Billing is exclusively designed for keeping the track of project expenses as well. It is leveraging a streamlined and amazing interface which will allow you to create and edit the details of projects, clients, time along with the bill for a particular task. It can also generate and post the invoices by keeping track of all the payments.


It is a sold document which will allow you to scan all the pages of a PDF file and you can also save them to Dropbox, Evernote, MobileME, Google Docs and Box.net as well. If you are uploading the file with Google Docs then Google’s OCR engine can provide a leverage of high quality document processing. This app works amazingly for iPhone 3GS, but iPhone can also employ its feature sets.

Affinity Live:

This app works amazingly for the flawless workflow management. For those, who are associated with the consulting industry or associated with the services, managing projects is the only part of entire puzzle. You can keep track of various things such as tracking hours, managing retainers, collection of subcontractor timesheets and there is a lot to do.


This app is exclusively designed for group chats and messaging. An option for video conferencing has also been provided. No matter, wherever you have to communicate, this app can help you communicate even across the world. This is a perfect solution bestowed by iPhone App Development services for those who are associated with the small scale industries as it is easy to use and affordable as well.

Scanner Pro:

This will provide you the hard rock scanning option. You can upload it to the DropBox, Mobile Me. You can also do the customization of page sizes, sending of emails and if you want to print and share, this app will give you the best solution.


An absolutely free application created by trusted brand name, that is, Automatic. This may be listed under the category of Social networking, but it will be the best option if it will be placed under the business category. The latest version which is launched is 2.6.2. You can manage the website with WordPress and can increase your sales at the world wide level.

FileMaker and Bento:

Bento is the consumer deviation is one of the most popular File Maker database solutions. It will assist you in developing customized databases which can meet all your business needs. Basically, FileMaker Go is one of the iOS variations of FileMaker Pro. Using this app, the small business people can maintain their records, sale trackers and inventory record as well.

Note Taker HD:

If you are into a business where notes maintain is highly important, then this app can work for you. You can use it for scheduling your meetings, appointments and brainstorming sessions. Just use your fingerto write the notes. It is considered as an amazing tool because it offers an unparalleled feature, that is, a wrist-guard feature that will avoid creating unwanted contacts and it also have an ability to minimize the notes.


In order to get fame in this contemporary market place, social networking has become really important. Therefore, Bitrix24 can be used by savvy businesses. While using this, it must be always remembered that it needs to be kept private.

Quick Office Connect Suite:

This is one of the most imperative apps that is used by all the business people and they can use them even if they are on their way. The users can view, edit and create the documents that can be piled up on the phone and other cloud services such as MobileMe, Google Docs and Dropbox as well.

The bottom line is that there are many apps that are designed exclusively for iPhone that can meet the industry standards. The above mentioned apps are also incredibly useful for any industry and business so that they can increase their productivity graph.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 iPhone apps Elevating Productivity Graph of Small Business

  1. Hi,

    FlipSquare is awesome!!!!! its usually the game that I go to when I need to the time to go by plane by in almost any situation… I believe that it is a lot more addicting that confectionary Crush!!!


  2. Sagar,
    Glad to see your response.

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