When you search for web hosting in internet, you will find millions of web hosting providers. But, not all of them was successful to satisfy their customers. From thousand of shared hosting providers, hundreds of them provide same features, only difference is price.
Check out the list of the top cheap web hosting providers.
HostMetro is a new hosting company as compared to other web hosts. It was founded and now being operated by hosting industry veterans and together they have an experience of 50 years. HostMetro doesn’t claim to make false claims like unlimited bandwidth and space. What they do claim and assure you is you will get enough space and bandwidth for any normal web site. HostMetro offers a regular hosting plan labeled as Mega Max Hosting. 1 year, 2 years and 3 years contracts are available for this plan. They also claim to offer a few other additional features like free domain name and free website builder. For businesses, HostMetro also has a business hosting plan called Business Max Hosting including facets such as SSL Package, Site Lock Security Seal and SEO Package with a dedicated IP address. The customer support and service is available 24/7.
iPage was instituted in 1998. iPage offers a comprehensive package in which according to them you get everything unlimited. You get unlimited space, bandwidth, domains and e-mail addresses. It also offers an easy web application installer including photo gallery, blog and forums. It has an easy-to-use and insightful custom built control panel called vDeck. They claim that won’t let you experience any downtime with a 99.99% uptime assurance. The response time from their servers is fast and 24/7. iPage also assures money back guarantee at any time which makes it an attractive choice for those who are new to web hosting. iPage offers 1 year, 2 years and 3 years contracts.
JustHost has advanced technology and doesn’t have inefficient legacy systems. JustHost has an up to date control panel and application installer. It offers two plans namely JustPlan and JustPlan Premium. They almost have the same features with the only difference in the number of free domains which are 3 for JustPlan Premium and just 1 for JustPlan. They will also recommend you to use their dedicated server if your site is big and attracts a lot of visitors. They also claim to have very good security. Anytime money back guarantee is also one of their unique features which make JustHost a reliable web host. JustHost offers 1 year, 2 years, 3 years contracts and 4 years contracts.
FatCow was established in 1998. It makes your website user friendly and a fun experience. It claims to be an eco-friendly company. The plans offered by FatCow are Original Fat Cow Plan and Mini Moo Plan. The Original Fat Cow Plan include features such as unlimited disk space, bandwidth, easy-to-use site creation tools, easy-to-install blogs and forums and free Google and Yahoo! credits. The Mini Moo Plan has limited features than the Original Fat Cow Plan such as 1 email account, email forwarding, email auto responders and friendly toll free support. The customer service and support is great. They give you a timeframe within which they assure you that your problem will be resolved. FatCow guarantees a 99.99% uptime on their servers. FatCow offers 1 year, 2 years and 3 years contracts.