How to get backlinks or links pointing to your site, is an important issue to help get good rankings in search engines.
The process is called Link Building, and is one of the key processes to implement the optimization of your website or blog in order to get more visits .
However, when it comes to getting backlinks, these can be created by ourself or created by others, and it is on this second hypothesis, which I mention in this article.
There are many ways to get backlinks to your website. Some more effective than others, but nevertheless (almost) all are valid and contribute something to improve their positioning in the pages of search results in search engines, or SERP’s (Search Engine Result Pages).
Web Marketing is very important that your site is present at the first page of Google and other search engines when someone performs a search using a term or phrase related to your site, otherwise hardly able to increase visits without having to pay for it.
Therefore, and because to get good rankings in search engines, it is essential that your site has backlinks, it is necessary to implement a strategy for Link Building .
I consider this matter as important in terms of SEO , here I leave a few more practical tips to get more backlinks, this time in a natural way, ie without having you to create them actively.
The methods I discuss in this article are somewhat different, as are methods that focus on creating something that is appealing to those interested in the subject matter, so that they themselves are creating links to your site naturally by way of recommendation to their visitors, readers and / or friends:
1. Publish a Resource
The publication of a resource of recognized importance for stakeholders in their area, is undoubtedly an excellent way to get others to revere other sites, blogs, forums or social networks.
Of course, it is essential to an action that serves to match an existing need, otherwise you will not have the expected impact.
Imagine a site about plants (not sure why, but it was what came to mind). If this website offers a guide to all indoor plants, or with all carnivorous plants, or all plants in a certain region or country, will most likely be something interesting and different, which will make them like that, your readers, to disclose spontaneously choose to link to other resource sites.
2. Software Offering
Offering a software or licenses to certain software related to the interests of users of your site is another excellent way to achieve the spontaneous creation of backlinks to your website.
3. Sweepstakes or Recreation
No doubt a move that usually generates a lot of interest around a site is to make the sweepstakes or hobbies. However, that has good results, keep in mind what your users like or are interested. If you give away something that is not in their interest, certainly will not have much grip.
4. Tutorials and Manuals
Publish informative articles about how to do something is always a reference for people looking for that type of content. And if a tutorial or manual very detailed and executed, will surely, the subject of more buzz and reference to other sites, forums or blogs in the same niche.
5. Create Communities
All people like to belong to something. It is part of human nature, because man is a being community, and as such, like to belong and participate in communities.
Through some social networks like Facebook , and some community sites like Ning , you can create a community and enable its readers, subscribers, visitors or clients to join this community and share content, information, etc.. For the specific case of creating a community, it is even more indicated Ning .
6. Content Quality
Last, but not least, and though hardly a novelty, at least for readers of the blog, creating quality content is often the target of creating backlinks spontaneously because like all (or nearly all) to give more and better serve our readers, or know anyone looking for something in particular information rises.
This is, in my view, a slightly different approach, as is usually the most common theme to focus on being your own webmaster to create their own backlinks.
Using these tips, greatly increases the likelihood of a spontaneous creation of backlinks to your website without you having any intervention, which is always worthwhile.
There will of course other ways to do that, and if you want to add something to this article, you can do it.
Hope you enjoyed and that you use these tips to help increase the number of backlinks to your website.
We can also get backlinks by commenting on dofollow blogs and by submitting our articles to dofollow social bookmarking sites.
i guess this is one of most easy way
You can go for directory submission too and social bookmarking is also a good option.
backlinks are very important , satish is right
All tips can really help. Be patient =)
Hi Isha,
Great article, I liked your different approach particularly #4. If you can get a nice tutorial in your niche then you are bound to get backlinks.
@Isha, another easy way to get backlinks is join Twitter and tweet. Google started indexing tweets, so all your links in the tweets will be indexed. Also there is a tool called TweetTwain which will allow you to configure your own Twitter API keys, so you can put your website as the application url, so each tweet will earn you a backlink!
The best way I have found to generate back links is to write a top list. To keep with your plant theme, I would write something along the lines of ‘The Top 10 Indoor Plants’ and focus the resource on plants which survive well indoors, easy to look after, etc. People love linking out to top lists for some reason.
What I tell my students is to focus on attracting traffic that is searching on these highly-converting product particular keywords, after which try spying on advertisers within the same market who are bidding on PPC to determine what phrases they’re bidding on.
What i do is submit feeds to feeds directory. Many auto blogs takes these feeds to put content on their website, so that helps in getting good back links. I got better results from feeds submission than article submission, that’s just my experience.
I think the SEO campaign for ur site is going BULLS EYE!
i am on your site for the second time now, once from a search engine result and second from networked links well optimized and well networked, leading by example 🙂
Cool site, i am following you from now!