Social Media in East Asia

Social media in East Asia is slowly becoming the new trend and culture, as more people and communities in the region, adopt this new mode of communication. In the past, the countries in East Asia, relied solely on information from strict government controlled channels, but this is no longer the case. The tide is changing, […]

Languages to Learn for Future Video Game Developers

It’s easy enough to play a few video games and decide that it would be pretty neat to be the one creating them or see that game development is a profitable and growing career field, with the average annual salary for software developers over $93,000 according to the BLS, and decide to be a part […]

Key Differences between the S3 and S4

In recent years, there seems to be a new smartphone developed nearly every five minutes. Some people may even imagine gangs of competing smartphones facing off in homage to West Side Story. However, not all competing cell phones come from different brands. With companies continually improving their products, we often find ourselves comparing one generation to the […]

How eCommerce Changed the Collectible Industry

Wandering through the aisles of a local antique shop or flea market, novice shoppers are likely to wonder where the vendors find their rare and unique items. In the past, the methods of acquiring these treasures were limited to swap meets, auctions, and other antique dealers. The introduction of technology has changed the collectible industry […]

Five Essential Ways to Keep Your Readers Interested

Although many people write, few write stories and articles that hold the reader’s attention beyond the first few paragraphs. Whether writing to sell or to entertain, good writers use the same techniques. Here are five basic techniques to keep your readers engaged. Know Your Readers People who know each other communicate well. In fact, spouses […]

Videos and SEO

At one time, videos and search engine optimization weren’t friends and putting videos on a website did not guarantee a significant increase in visitors. Changes in SEO strategy, increases in available bandwidth, and the popularity of videos have transformed the usefulness of videos and turned them into something almost necessary on any website. The Rise […]

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