If you’re wondering if your blog is to allow search engines to follow links to reviews, this article will help you. Change the flow of comments “DoFollow” can attract new visitors, build traffic, generate back links and more. But read the 7 main reasons why you should make that change today.
Promote the launch of a new blog
If your blog is new, it is likely to make you want to attract many visitors and thus traffic. By adding an extension such as CommentLuv, or DoFollow Link, you can encourage other bloggers to post many comments on your blog to earn a return link (backlink). This process will allow you to enter a cycle very soon, because it built the comments that attract more visitors, who will likely leave more comments.
Reward loyalty
Allow tracking links in comments encourages reviewers to return regularly to let their opinions. They are rewarded for their loyalty by earning back links for each of their comments. These back links are seen by search engines and help your commentators to build quality links to their sites.
Earning backlinks for your site
Provide links back from your site works as much in your favor. Blogs by “DoFollow” are very popular and people who publish these blogs are generally seen as generous people. Before you know it, your blog will be added to other blogs, shared on Twitter, added to directories of blogs “DoFollow” and much more, thus getting all the good sources of traffic for it. Agree to follow the links from comments left on your blog is one of the best ways to increase very rapidly traffic to your site.
Free content
By encouraging commentators to express their opinions, share their knowledge and time, you essentially add free content to your blog. You start your conversation and the commentators develop. They will become loyal to the blog and will return frequently to see the evolution of topics of concern. Start the conversation now allowing comments followed.
Establish yourself as an expert
When you allow the tracking of comments on your blog, take the time to write a message to explain your decision and your new policy reviews. In doing so, you show your readers that you know what you do. This will help establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Encourage niche content
While building your blog, you will work as the domination of your niche. Believe it or not, allowing comments “DoFollow” on your blog will help you in this effort. Your visitors will be better able to leave comments on their own market on your blog, where they will receive a link back on your competitor where they will not receive. Encourage a high quality content by allowing links back.
The law of numbers
By combining two or more of these tactics, your work will build on itself. The combination of techniques will make your blog a powerful generator of back links, allowing you to generate free traffic sources by investing only your time without spending a single penny.
This was my opinion on making a blog “dofollow”. what’s your opinion?
But I have read many articles that if you make your blog dofollow then it will become hard to get a page rank in initial time for your blog. What do you say on this?
I totally disagree with you, Pankaj…. Google hate spam and dofollow blogs mostly affect by spammers… so, it’s easy to get PR if your blog is not affected by spam….
I totally agree with Isha on this point. Dofollow is the future of blogging. Even I am planning to switch to dofollow very soon. BTW, you’ve really listed out nice points. Nice to know that you’ve joined the dofollow movement.
I prefer Dofollow when the visitors are mainly bloggers. As far as Pagerank is concern it doesn’t matters much for me.
Nice Post once again Isha
I agree with all of those points. I love all commenters so I don’t see what’s so bad about giving something back to them in the form of linkjuice. Even if they only found my blog while looking for a place to get a backlink, as long as their comment contributes something to the conversation it’s still interesting to me and to my other readers so why should I discourage that?
Do-Follow blogs are always liked by everyone…i also don’t think that Google hates Do-Follow blogs…
Cool tips 😉
Let all of us be a Dofollow blogger 🙂
Great article.. noticed you use CommentLuv, maybe you could also use KeywordLuv next to it 🙂
dofollow blogs are good to share something who is contributing something for you. I still favor nofollow easy to manage (as no one comment easily on them)
I think you should consider this one carefully. Making your blog a dofollow can be a huge drain on your blog PR. If you want to do BuySellAds, you should really consider this,
yes dofollow blog will increase the popularity of the blog by getting more comments and visitors. because other bloggers need good quality backlinks from site to increase their page rank too.
I think 99% of all visitors don’t know if the blog is dofollow or nofollow. But nofollow don’t guarantee a spam free blog. If i don’t want spam I use a plugin like AntiBot Captcha for WordPress.
I have made all my sites dofollow and installed commentluv plugin to give some benefits for other bloggers 🙂
Spam is the only problem with dofollow sites.
My site is built on Drupal which by default has “dofollow” in the comments section. My problem is that 99% of those who leave a comment they actually write something totally spammy. Isha, your article gave me an idea. I should provide some rules for those who wish to comment and get a link from the site. This will solve the problem.
How will a dofollow blog increase popularity? Nobody knows if it is do or nofollow. They only can see it with a plugin or in the source code.
that doesn’t mean there is no difference between dofollow and nofollow.
Hi Ishna,
Great post. All of my blogs are DoFollow and always will be. There will be an ongoing debate about why a blog should or should not be DoFollow, but the bottom line for me is my readers.
I want to encourage them to leave comments and I want to keep them coming back. And, in my experience getting a blog to the top of the search engines is no more difficult if it is DoFollow.
I did create one blog that was NoFollow, just to see if there was a difference in comment spam, and there was none. I get an equal amount no matter what.
Hey, thanks for the post. Great reasons to share the love. 🙂
launching time is the major issue to make a blog do follow after few months every blog going to no follow
Simply awesome . I really like your blog because it is very helpful for SEO .Thanks
The popularity of the blog by getting more comments and visitors. because other bloggers need good quality back links from site to increase their page rank too.