Most of the people keep on tracking various ways to make money online and few might end-up on the success side, while few others end-up by giving-up. With the pattern of Search Engine Algorithm becoming volatile, its getting tough to settle with one proven method as, the web-masters are forced to keep on updating themselves in order to stay in the race.
The competition and volume of people who are interested in making money online is increasing daily and with that, the result of money making ratios are getting diluted. In this post, we are going to deal with 3 Major and standard ways that helps you to make money online and these are the proven ways as if you find your own way of making money in these types, you’ll end-up with filling your pockets heavily.
There are many confusing ways of making money online. You’ll be finding thousands of books, methods and options that helps you to make your way towards victory. I personally tried many ways to make money online, most of them were just the sheer waste of your time, it also depends on the luck factor as well as your mind-set. Despite of being able to try the other ways of money making online, I’ve made a personal list of 5 major types of money making tips and in this post, I’m going to share 3 of them, while in my forth coming posts, I’ll be sharing the rest and will also try to include the bonus tip in that as well.
Here are my 3 ways to Make Money Online
Freelance Writing and Blogging
- I just don’t get the point behind the impact that Freelance Writing created in past couple of years. I’ve seen many Blogging/Web-Masters/SEOs, have turned their path into Freelance Writers.
- The range of pay, varies between $5/article to $150/article and it purely depends on your expertise and experience.
- In the field, where most of the people believe content as the king, the Freelance Writer job is one of the best scope and you’ll be having unlimited opportunities if you are able to brand yourself properly.
- This freelance service acts as a mediator between the buyers and sellers, ensuring the business done with proper ethics. The freelancers at times also make use of Software Escrow, in order to get paid for their services.
- Blogging is considered as ever green field, which has it’s own methods of money making like Google Adsense, Selling Links, Third-Party Advertisements and many more.
Affiliate Marketing
- It is one of the most buzzing words, in the Online Money Making field. Sincerely speaking, I’m not a pro in this field, but I’ve manged to earn few pennies because of it and I assure you like if you dedicate few hours a day on affiliate marketing, you surely can gain a lots of experience and success in this field.
- It’s not going to be easy to make consistent income, as you need to work really hard to make consistent income, but again any sort of pale efforts can lead to seasonal earnings.
- You just need to do little research and create your own methods to take the products that you want to promote. It’s mostly self-modulated process and it’s definitely worth a try.
Domain Name Sales
- Frankly speaking, it is considered as Internet real-estate business and it requires good deal of experience in order to predict the future of market.
- It is not as easy as it appears, but it takes some time in order to make some consistent cash. You just need to predict the domain-name strength and have to buy that and then wait for the customer to reach you or directly approach the customer, and fix a deal and make decent profits.
I’ll be coming up with few more ways to make money online, stay tuned and your comments are appreciated.