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Reduce Your Site Bounce Rate

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As a blogger, one of the most frustrating things that we must face is the rate of rejection (Bounce Rate) is too high.

According to the “help of Google Analytics”, the rejection rate is the percentage of unique visits to our blog by leaving the same page where they enter, that is, how many more people out of our blog came from the same page that the higher the rejection rate.

The best way to lower your bounce rate is undoubtedly keep readers in our blog, so I am writing here  four tips to lower your bounce rate.

1. Related Articles.

One of the easiest and most effective to implement, are the related articles. As a rule, they are placed at the end of each article and show the readers several articles related to the subject of it, ie, we say to our readers “DON’T GO AWAY, BECAUSE WE HAVE MORE ARTICLES ON THIS SUBJECT FOR YOU “.

2. Most popular articles.

Another interesting way to lower our bounce rate is to show readers the most popular articles on our blog.  It is up to us to decide the criteria to be assigned to the most popular articles, either by visits, comments, etc..

3. Internal links.

With time and let more and more content and sure have written something related to previous articles, if so, then make links to these articles, they contain additional information to what readers have just read.  They can also choose to disclose the most relevant articles of your blog.

4. CommentLuv

To excite our readers to comment, why not use the CommenLuv. This plugin allows readers to leave a link to a blog article of them to comment on our blog. This plugin encourages feedback because we are providing a way for readers also disclose its contents.

You can download the plugin CommentLuv here .


Not only is it important to attract readers to our blog as it is also important to keep them. If our rejection rate is very high, one of the two, or readers are not very fond of our content or navigation of our blog is not very attractive and functional.  To combat this use the tips I described above, try several formulas using different plugins, showing alternative content, etc..

How much attention do you pay to your bounce rate? Share your site bounce rate with us.

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