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10 Amazing Extensions Your Joomla Website Just Can’t Do Without

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Joomla is amongst the leading content management systems that we have today. The capabilities of Joomla can be used both by the beginners and seasoned developers alike. The best part about this CMS is that it bridges the extremes of ease of use of WordPress and quite intimidating functionalities of Drupal.


This platform has the potential to support a simple website and also the large scale, highly illustrative networking and community based website. And to an extent this has been made possible by the range of Joomla extensions which are made available at the disposal of a lot of users.

Now, in order to get the best of Joomla CMS, we shall discuss the 10 extensions which are a must have for any website. Please read ahead to discover more:

Community Builder

As we have gathered already that Joomla is a community based website building CMS, the same community feature gets a power boost with this plugin. The Community Builder extension allows the users to make the website rather interactive by introducing various features like registration, profile pages of the members, forums and a lot more. It interacts well with other modules to further enhance the social attribute of the same. Furthermore, the plugin is available in both free and paid version.

JCE Editor

Just because we own a website does not mean we are tech wizards, right? This is one plugin which understands and respects the same. One of the top rated plugins by a lot of Joomla developers and users alike, JCE Editor transforms the backend editing panel into an easy to use and configure WYSIWYG editor, which allows the users to work around Joomla without needing any complicated coding.

Mobile Joomla Extension

It is almost insane, seeing the present day popularity of mobile compatible websites. Now, if you are not in the mood of developing a new mobile based website from the scratch or to pay a developer and get a responsive designed themed website, this is the plugin which is going to work perfectly for you. The Mobile Joomla Extension automatically creates a mobile version of the existing website and makes it compatible with every popular handheld device.

Better Preview

At times a plugin is not about how much complex a task it manages to do, but about how easy and user centric it makes the already existing tasks. Though Better Preview plugin is not that complex, it works in the favor of the website owners by generating a clear cut preview of how the content is going to look. The plugin is a huge welcome change, as against the already existing preview option of the CMS, and hence you should try out the same.

SwMenu extension

The SwMenu extension takes the ordinary menus on your existing Joomla websites and gives it a touch of extraordinaire. It allows the site owners to build a range of menus, use an exhaustive range of style options and keep the aesthetics of the website completely up to date and modern.

Joomla slideshow

This particular extension allows the users to add a slideshow on the front page of the Joomla website. Amongst a number of slideshow plugins, this one is important as it allows the users to put together both the text and the images, and also to configure the same.


Although a Joomla website has a lot of natural and strategic advantages, editing the content is not really one of them – at least not with the K2 extension missing from the backend architecture. This one plugin allows the users to create highly feature rich content and add images videos and other gallery elements to the same. Thus, if you are planning a community based online magazine like website, this is a must have plugin.


Okay, we apologize for this funny sounding name of the extension, although it isn’t our prerogative, but ignore this plugin and you would be apologizing to yourself later on. This is one plugin which turns the existing website into a search engine crawlers’ magnet and attracts a lot of organic traffic to the website. It automatically turns the URL of the content into SEO friendly keyword rick URLs and now also offers full support for Google Analytics intrinsic canonical headers and a lot more.


And talking of SEO, it is of common knowledge that an XML sitemap is highly resourceful for a website, both in terms of improving its search engine rankings – making it easily readable for the search engine spiders, and also to allow the users to easily comprehend the website, especially if it is a large scale website that we are talking about here. The XMAP ups the ante a step further by providing a simple solution to generate both the front end and the backend XML sitemap.

Akeeba Backup

The importance of a backup for the website cannot be summarized in words. In a turbulent online world, where one gets to hear about hacking and cyber frauds every other day, Akeeba Backup performs the crucial task of maintaining a back up of your website and readily offers the restoration help, the moment the site is confronted with one issue or the other. Thoroughly for your own peace of mind, take some time and please ensure you have got this plugin doing what it so expertly does in the background.

That’s all from our end. For all of your Joomla and extension development and installation needs, you may opt for Offshore Joomla development services, to get a solution from the scratch, or upgrade the existing website. Now we would like to hear from the Joomla users. What have been your top most plugins in the past? Do you like our list of Joomla extensions? Let us know in the comment section below.

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